Here you’ll find answers to some frequent questions!
If you still have a question on something, we’re happy to help.
Just give us a shout here on the —->Contact Page.
—Where should new students start?
-For ages 11 and above, Cartooning Level 1 (Kids) is the starting level for all Cartoonists. It is the foundation for the other classes.
-For ages 7-12, they can join the Cartooning Basics class.
-For ages 18-older, we have classes for those older cartooning students too with Cartooning Level 1 (Grownups)
—When can i take the SketchBrain class?
Once Students finish Level 1, they can take SketchBrain alongside any of the other classes. Also, SketchBrain is repeatable!
—“The time for the class doesn’t work with my schedule.”
Are the classes recorded so i can watch them later?
All classes are recorded so students can go back and review. This allows students who can’t make the scheduled class-time be able to watch the class.
Do you offer the classes to Charter School Students as a verified Vendor?
Send us a quick email so we can confirm your Charter School is on our list of approved schools, and then we can help get you set up easily.
Do i need any
special software?
Nope! Students can use traditional paper and pencil, digital ipad and stylus, or a combination of both. As long as the student is able to share the image by email, all assignments can be done.
How are classes reviewed and graded?
Kid classes have the projects reviewed in class. We find that students learn from seeing each other’s projects.
Grownup classes have reviews done separately, but projects are shared in class so that they also are learning and being inspired by the other artists.
The projects are marked complete or incomplete. We are able to provide a grade for those students that might need it for credit with their main school.
Do you offer individual Mentoring?
For Students 14 and older, and who have completed Cartooning Level 1, they can apply for limited spots for the Mentorship Program. Learn more here ——> MENTORSHIPS!